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Secondary iterations generate additional sequences, all of which are collected and concatenated together. Filters allow you to skip elements that do not satisfy a given predicate. To see both of these in action, the following computes a checkerboard set of coordinates of a rectangular grid: let checkerboardCoordinates n = seq { for row in 1 .. n do for col in 1 .. n do if (row+col) % 2 = 0 then yield (row,col) } > checkerboardCoordinates 3;; val it : seq<(int * int)> = seq [(1, 1); (1, 3); (2, 2); (3, 1); ...] Using let clauses in sequence expressions allows you to compute intermediary results. For example, the following code gets the creation time and last-access time for each file in a directory: let fileInfo dir = seq { for file in Directory.GetFiles(dir) do let creationTime = File.GetCreationTime(file) let lastAccessTime = File.GetLastAccessTime(file) yield (file,creationTime,lastAccessTime) } In the previous examples, each step of the iteration produces zero or one result. The final yield of a sequence expression can also be another sequence, signified through the use of the ->> symbol or the yield! keyword. You generally use -> and ->> in compact sequence expressions that don t contain let, if, and other more advanced constructs. The following sample shows how to redefine the allFiles function from the previous section using a sequence expression. Note that multiple generators can be included in one sequence expression; the results are implicitly collated together using Seq.append. let rec allFiles dir = seq { for file in Directory.GetFiles(dir) -> file for subdir in Directory.GetDirectories dir ->> (allFiles subdir) }

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absolute difference value between the two benchmarked approaches is greater than this threshold: public static void markEnd( Connection connection, int benchmarkDifferenceThreshold ) throws SQLException { _markEnd( connection, benchmarkDifferenceThreshold ); } The method markEnd() is an overloaded method that invokes the method rs_stop in the runstats utility with a default value for the threshold mentioned earlier: public static void markEnd( Connection connection ) throws SQLException { _markEnd( connection, DEFAULT_BENCHMARK_DIFFERENCE_THRESHOLD ); } The method closeBenchmarkStatements() closes all benchmark-related statements and is invoked before the program ends: public static void closeBenchmarkStatements ( Connection connection ) throws SQLException { for( int i=0; i < _benchmarkStatementArray.length; i++) { _benchmarkStatementArray[i].close(); } } The method prepareBenchmarkStatements() prepares all benchmark-related statements: public static void prepareBenchmarkStatements ( Connection connection ) throws SQLException { _benchmarkStatementArray[BENCHMARK_START_INDEX]= connection.prepareCall( BENCHMARK_START ); _benchmarkStatementArray[BENCHMARK_MIDDLE_INDEX]= connection.prepareCall( BENCHMARK_MIDDLE ); _benchmarkStatementArray[BENCHMARK_STOP_INDEX]= connection.prepareCall( BENCHMARK_STOP ); _dbmsOutput = new DbmsOutput ( connection ); _dbmsOutput.enable ( DBMS_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE ); } //////////////////////////// PRIVATE SECTION ///////////////

This chapter focuses on processes, hosts, and marshaling. These topics are seldom discussed under a single banner, and the decisions you make regarding them affect every distributed application. We ll examine some of the options available for hosting applications and also some of the options for communicating across the different processes. Through the course of this discussion, we ll examine Message Queuing in some detail, as well.

You can also use range and sequence expressions to build list and array values. The syntax is identical except the surrounding braces are replaced by the usual [ ] for lists and [| |] for arrays. We discuss arrays in more detail in 4.

The private method _printBenchmarkResults() prints the benchmark results (I follow a coding convention of starting a private method with an underscore character in this book): private static void _printBenchmarkResults() throws SQLException { System.out.println( "------- Benchmark Results --------" ); System.out.println( "Results from RUNSTATS utility" ); _dbmsOutput.show(); _dbmsOutput.close(); System.out.println( "" ); System.out.println( "Runtime Execution Time Differences " + "as seen by the client" ); long run1 = _middleTime-_startTime; long run2 = _endTime-_middleTime; System.out.println( "Run1 ran in " + run1/10 + " hsecs"); System.out.println( "Run2 ran in " + run2/10 + " hsecs"); System.out.println( "Run1 ran in " + Math.round((run1*100.00)/(run2)) + "% of the time" ); } The method _markEnd is a helper method invoked by the overloaded versions of the public method markEnd(): private static void _markEnd( Connection connection, int benchmarkDifferenceThreshold ) throws SQLException { _endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); _benchmarkStatementArray[BENCHMARK_STOP_INDEX].setInt(1, benchmarkDifferenceThreshold); _benchmarkStatementArray[BENCHMARK_STOP_INDEX].execute(); printBenchmarkResults(); } At the end, we declare all the variables used by the program: private static long _startTime; private static long _middleTime; private static long _endTime; private static String BENCHMARK_START = "begin runstats_pkg.rs_start; end;"; private static String BENCHMARK_MIDDLE = "begin runstats_pkg.rs_middle; end;"; private static String BENCHMARK_STOP = "begin runstats_pkg.rs_stop( ); end;"; private static CallableStatement[] _benchmarkStatementArray = new CallableStatement[3]; private static DbmsOutput _dbmsOutput; private static final int DBMS_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1000000; private static final int BENCHMARK_START_INDEX = 0;

> [ 1 .. 4 ];; val it: int list = [ 1; 2; 3; 4 ] > [ for i in 0 .. 3 -> (i,i*i) ];; val it : (int * int) list = [ (0,0); (1,1); (2,4); (3,9) ] > [| for i in 0 .. 3 -> (i,i*i) |];; val it : (int * int) [] = [ (0,0); (1,1); (2,4); (3,9) ]

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